“Don’t you forget ..... for every door that slams shut, there is an open door somewhere else!” For every no that you hear, remember, you are that much closer to a yes!”
The room just went wild with cheers, “rah-rah’s” and applauds. Suze Orman was in the house...and she was bigger then life.
I attended the Texas Conference for Women in Houston yesterday, thanks to my sweet Hubby Bear. He knew how much I LUV Suze O, so he surprised me with a registration to the event. I must admit, my focus was on seeing Ms Orman and no one else, really.
The room just went wild with cheers, “rah-rah’s” and applauds. Suze Orman was in the house...and she was bigger then life.
I attended the Texas Conference for Women in Houston yesterday, thanks to my sweet Hubby Bear. He knew how much I LUV Suze O, so he surprised me with a registration to the event. I must admit, my focus was on seeing Ms Orman and no one else, really.
I had a really tough time getting her pic as she moved so quickly up and down the stage. But I got some pretty good shots.
She spoke to a lunch crowd of at least 1000 women by starting with her story of how she got where she is today. Here’s just a few of her many accomplishments:
*2 time pick of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World”
*She has her own CNBC weekly show
*She is on NY Times Best Seller list (many times over.)
*She is a multi-millionaire and travels in her own jet.
Suze grew up in the south side of Chicago, graduated University of Illinois with a bachelor’s in social work. She moved to Berkley, California in 1973 and lived in a VW bus for 3 months before landing a job at the Buttercup Bakery and finding an apartment. To read the rest of her story... click here.
“You are powerful and strong Texas Women!” she proudly boasted, moving about taking full use of the long stage. Just her presence made you feel that when you walked out of the conference you were ready to take on the world and the workforce. And speaking of the workforce and women, here are some surprising, interesting, and very sad stats that Suze shared about the women of today:
*In the U.S., 40% of the women make up the workforce
*48% of these women are working 2 or more jobs to support their families
*Women are working 60 hours-plus a week, in addition to their roles of taking care of their children, spouse, parents, grandchildren, cleaning, shopping, cooking and providing health care to family members.
*Women are now very close to being 50% of the bread winners in this nation
*Males are getting laid off more then women because MALES MAKE MORE MONEY then their female counter parts.
*Women are hired for some of these positions to replace the males at LESS MONEY
*Because of the economy, more and more we are allowing ourselves to be sold by lending money to our family members because we are afraid to say, “No, I am sorry, but I cannot afford to lend you money.” We feel we must say yes & risk jeopardizing our financial health for fear of losing their love.
“NOW... more then ever... is the time for all women to take control, take responsibility for their financial future, take measures to secure their financial strength and create a healthy financial environment!” Suze “roared” this out across this huge room as women stood and cheered.
“Get out those pens and paper and you better write down what I am about to tell you,” she ordered:
*get yourself completely out of credit card debt
*use credit cards only in emergencies
*if you don’t have the cash, you don’t buy it
*save up at least an 8 month emergency fund
*start saving NOW for your retirement, no matter what your age is
Suze shared that until 2015, this economy and the stock market will continue its roller coaster ride and that we must be prepared to ride it out.
We women are living as much as 20 years or more longer then our spouses, significant others or life partners, Suze shared. “You have to ask yourself, who will take care of me? How will I take care of me on my 70th birthday, on my 80th birthday, on my 90th birthday?” Here was her very stern and serious answer, “You cannot expect your children to take care of you; you can’t expect family members or friends to take care of you. YOU must make provisions and be prepared TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!”
Today’s women are still beaten, assaulted, raped, violated, robbed and abused by the people they love and thought who loved them. The only way this is going to change, is for today’s women to become financially independent and financially healthy. “Money is power... and power will set you free!” commands Suze as she finished up her presentation.
Suze Orman is the epitome of strength, power and self assurance. She sets a shining example for all women. The first 30 years of her life were nothing but struggles, slammed doors and endless “Nos!” Because of her determination, commitment and drive, she persevered into the international success she is today.

I highly recommend any of her books, but one in particular.... “Women and Money”.... is a must read considering these times and this economy.
Until Next Time.......
GOOD (Financial) HEALTH TO ALL!!
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