Why is it that we can work every part of our bodies and really get great results... look good.... toned, buffed, muscular...... but our “under arms” (aka Triceps) always wave back at us? Even when our biceps look pretty dang good..... our tris are just “hanging there,” literally!
Well... here’s a great work out targeting the triceps area. It will burn... as it should... so just suck it up and do it! You will luv the results!
Remember to “Suck n Squeeze,” don’t hold your breath... and Breathe!
As always, if you have health issues, are deconditioned, have not worked out in awhile or lead a sedentary life check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Well... here’s a great work out targeting the triceps area. It will burn... as it should... so just suck it up and do it! You will luv the results!
Remember to “Suck n Squeeze,” don’t hold your breath... and Breathe!
As always, if you have health issues, are deconditioned, have not worked out in awhile or lead a sedentary life check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Ok here goes!
*Tricep Pushups (place hands directly under your face with your thumbs touching. ELBOWS IN... do not “fly” them out to the side)
1 set of 50
rest 60 seconds
1 set of 30
rest 30 seconds
1 set of 15
rest 10 seconds
1 set of 10

rest 2:00 and move on to the next cycle

*Tricep Kickbacks (Elbow and upper arm should be parallel with the floor, start with arm bent in 90 degree angle and don't hang your head down... keep a neutral position)
1 set of 12 reps x 5 to 10 lbs (depending on your strength) (working the Medial head/Biggest muscle)
rest 10 seconds
1 set of 10 reps x 5 to 10 lbs (working the Lateral head/shortest muscle)
rest 10 seconds
1 set of 6 reps x 5 to 10 lbs (working the Long/Narrow head)
rest 1:00 and repeat this once. after 2nd repetition, rest 2:00 and move to the final cycle

rest 10 seconds
1 set of 10 reps x 5 to 10 lbs (working the Lateral head/shortest muscle)
rest 10 seconds
1 set of 6 reps x 5 to 10 lbs (working the Long/Narrow head)
rest 1:00 and repeat this once. after 2nd repetition, rest 2:00 and move to the final cycle
Tricep Dips (use a bench, chair or tricep bench. Legs straight out in front with weight on heels. Hands and arms close your body; don’t “fly” those elbows out. Dip down to a 90 degree angle.. NO MORE THEN 90 DEGREES)

1 set of 10
rest 10 seconds
1 set of 15
rest 30 seconds
1 set of 30
rest 60 seconds
1 set of 50
rest 5:00 and start again with Tricep pushups and do the cycle again.
You may need to work up to the reps and the weight, but don’t give up and quit!
YOU CAN DO IT.... and your tris won’t be “waving back” anymore!!!
Good Luck and have fun!
Until Next Time.......
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