Friday, December 25, 2009
"Happy Christmas" (War is Over)

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Date Pudding with Kentucky Bourbon Sauce

I took this traditional bread pudding that my Mom used to make and modified it for us Vegans and Vegetarians..... But let me warn all you meat eaters... this will rock your world, too!!
Traditionally this pudding, as well as other bread puddings, is made with eggs, butter, cream and white sugar. So, with a few changes here and there......tah dah..... I came up with this little holiday delight. I did manage to keep the most important ingredient..... the Kentucky Bourbon... there is NO sub for that!
I hope you enjoy it!
3/4 c. Agave or Brown Molasses
3/4 c. Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 c. Oat flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 T. Mexican cinnamon
1/2 c. chopped dates
½ c. dried cranberries
3/4 c. chopped walnuts or pecans
1 c. brown sugar
1 T.Coconut Oil
1 T. Mexican vanilla
1 c. boiling water
Mix flour, baking powder & cinnamon with Agave or molasses and milk. Add dates, dried cranberries and nuts. Pour this mixture into either a greased 9" square pan or into little individual pudding dishes....Ok, just thought of the name for these little guys...Ramekins. Then combine brown sugar, coconut oil, vanilla and boiling water and carefully pour over batter mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. A little less time for the individual pans. Keep an eye on them and test for doneness with toothpick Turn off heat and leave in oven for 8 to 15 more minutes.
Dip out bread onto dessert dish and drizzle with Kentucky Bourbon sauce. Or, if baking in dessert bowls, drizzle sauce over each bowl.

¼ cup Coconut Oil (preferably flavored)
1 c. Agave
1/4 c. water
¼ c. Egg substitute
2 T. to 1/4 c. Kentucky bourbon whiskey
In a medium-size saucepan over LOW heat add coconut oil, agave and egg substitute whisking to blend well. Cook, STIRRING CONSTANTLY, until mixture thickens.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bless the Beasts and the Children Event... A Success!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cold weather always makes me want HOT soup, HOT oatmeal and HOT tea. This is the only reason I could never go 100% raw...... I gotta have HOT in the winter!
I just finished up a weekend of cooking up two of my favorite soups, Off the Hook Split Pea and Sweet Potato AND Humble Vegan Clam Chowder. Then I cooked up one of my favorite soup stocks, Garlic and Leek, to use as the base for future soups. And to finish all this off... I “crocked up” a big batch of garbanzo beans and saved the stock from the beans to use for future hot soups. All in all, I froze up 9 quarts to help get me thru December and January.
The Garlic n Leek stock is just a change to my Humble Veggie Stock, in that I used a ton of leeks, you know those veggies that look like green onions on steroids! And I used a ton of garlic and no other vegetables, kept the thyme and added fresh rosemary. Another flavor-town winner for sure!!! Great for all soups, and to cook rice, beans, quinoa or pasta in.
Hope you are enjoying this first day of winter and can have some of your favorite soups to help keep you warm and comfy!
Until Next Time.....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Holiday Dinners
I know it has been a whole week since my last post. I have been buried, swamped, overwhelmed, and over extended..... as all of us are this time of year.... with holiday parties & dinners, decorating, cooking and preparing for house guests during the next couple of weeks.
I finally have all of the pictures gathered up that were snapped from last Saturday’s Bless the Beasts and the Children event. I am working to put that blog together and will post it soon.
We are in full swing of holiday celebrations and gatherings......all complete with glorious buffets and settings of fabulous food and drink. In some ways, those buffets are easier to maneuver (see my blogs on Making it Thru the Holiday.... and Oh Those Holiday Parties that can be helpful) then the holiday family dinners that you may be facing over the next week or so. A lot can be useful in my past 2 blogs about making it thru the holidays and applied to the holiday dinners.


A. Toss all sanity aside & just pig out. Not a wise choice. You WILL be sorry & feel nothing but regret, bloating, enormous guilt, & tighter pants
B. The smartest choice: One hour before your party/meal, eat a large vegetable salad or a peanut butter and banana sandwich, bowl of soup or a piece of fruit.
When seated and ready to start passing the food, try and start out by filling your plate with raw veggies. Then steamed or baked or grilled or roasted veggies. Then beans and or rice if served.

Dessert is next on the agenda. Be careful: don’t inhale everything in site. At this point, you

As a personal fitness trainer for many.. many years... I have seen tons of clients suffer thru each holiday season. This is the hardest and most difficult time of year for them... more so then any other time of year. One of the reasons? WE ALL LOVE TO EAT! And boy the food choices during the holidays are endless and have a very high “YUM-O” factor, for sure!!! Very hard to resist.
If you follow these guidelines, you won’t see that belly pudge the next day and regret what you ate today. And... you’ll be ready to hit the gym, the park, or the track that next morning!

Until Next Time.....
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Bless the Beasts and the Children Today, Saturday the 12th 2009
Bless the Beasts and the Children benefits these great organizations:
Here is a wish list for each organization:
* Brazos Feral Cat Allies -- Wet and dry cat food and kitten food, kitty litter and money for medical supplies and care for the foster and feral cats.
* God's Little Creatures -- Stainless steel feeding and water bowls, puppy feed pans, new or gently used blankets and towels, dog food and money for a new bath house.
* Great Pyrenees Rescue Society -- extra-large wire crates and dog beds; dog treats; adjustable collars and leashes; a portable, retractable tent; and money for vaccinations, spaying and neutering, medicine and surgeries for sick Pyrenees.
* Impact Animal Foundation -- New or used crates and kennels in good condition, cat and dog treats and toys, kitty litter, carpet cleaner, paper towels, cat "trees" and scratching posts, and leashes.
* Scotty's House -- individual juice drinks; snacks; coloring books; tempera and finger paints; bandages; alcohol swabs; basic office supplies such as folders, pens and pencils; socks and underwear for boys and girls; action figures; Play Station games; and money for medical supplies.
Our AWESOME Sponsors for this event:
Thank you for helping children and animals in need.
Until Next Time....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Oh.. Those Christmas Parties

Ok, so here’s some hints on how to survive those parties. The best thing I’ve found to do is... bring a couple of dishes that YOU like and that you know are healthy and won’t break your caloric bank! Yesterday, I posted about surviving the holidays and not increasing your pudge

When I go to these parties, if I think there might be some food there that I could eat (as a strict Vegan, usually there is not so much for me,) but just in case, I always take my own teaspoon with me. And this is what I use as a portion size.... literally.....”just a taste.” I use the salad plate for my food and I eat very slowly.
Remembering that alcohol is VERY high in sugar and calories.... a glass of wine or beer anywhere from 85 to 150 calories per serving. A cocktail from 100 up depending on what you put in it. A frozen rita.... well that will cost you as much as 150 to 250. And watch out for those creamy dreamy drinks... a whopping 365 per drink! YIKES!!!!

The best way to drink alcohol and avoid more calories then you need... is to spread your drinking out over the evening. Have one regular drink... then, for your drinks there after..have some seltzer or club soda (tonic water has high fructose corn syrup.. not a wise choice!) with lime or lemon and a sprig of mint. This looks festive and gives you the feeling that you are enjoying “a drink” with everyone else. You can also, have a wine spritzer. This is a shot of your fave wine with seltzer, garnish with a cherry or lemon or lime.
Try these easy to fix dishes to bring to any party:
*Garbanzo-Garlic Hummus with crackers
*Black Bean-Corn-Jalapeño Pico with Blue Corn Chips
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Making it Thru the Holidays & NOT Adding to Your Pudge Factor

if you fail to plan....... you plan to fail!
During these holidays, try and maintain your weight. Don’t stress over counting calories or trying to lose weight. Have a small bite of your favorite high calorie foods and enjoy this opportunity to cheat a little. BUT.... watch your portion sizes!!! Keep them small.. the size of a bar of soap or deck of cards.

The MOST important nutritional habits to maintain:



The MOST important fitness habit to maintain:
1. DAILY CARDIO for 30 minutes @ a high rate of intensity See my 30 minute Fat Melt Muscle Building workout or fast walking, jogging, swimming, treadmill, elliptical. (walks in the neighborhood, beach, or the park do NOT count)
Don’t let your cardio slide. Once you break this habit, it is THE most difficult to cultivate again. It is like starting from the beginning. Remember how difficult cardio was & how much your quads & butt hurt when you first started?
By eating breakfast, drinking water, & doing your cardio DAILY, you will be amazed how well you will sleep. And when you sleep….. your stress hormones are controlled. The more stress hormones controlled, the less likely you will fall prey to emotional eating, thus increasing that "pudge factor."
YOU’VE JUST LOST YOUR CONTROL & have set yourself up for FAILURE!
So, go... enjoy yourself knowing you armed with the ammunition you need to maintain control!
Tomorrow’s blog....hints on making it thru the Holiday office party.
Until Next Time......
Monday, December 7, 2009
Curry Ginger Rice with Raisins & Pine Nuts
I don’t eat a lot of grains, but I just had this craving for some rice... not just rice in another stir fry or rice with beans... and not just “blah brown rice.” But something different. I cook with SPICES.... lots and lots of SPICES!!! I LOVE SPICES!!! .... ok.. we get it. But the possibilities are endless. Why people rely on salt to “enhance” flavor is beyond me.... how DULL and B O R I N G!!!
I played around with this dish and it is full of flavor and aroma. You walk in the house and you know something different is a cookin’ in the kitchen, for sure! Now the spices in this dish need to be monitored by your own taste buds.... mine? Well the hotter the better, baby!
Ok, let’s get started!
This is what you will need:
Oven preheated at 350 degrees
Wild Rice
Black Rice
Basmati Rice
About one cup, cooked of each. Steamed in veggie stock and dished out in a baking dish
1 cup Mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 cup Red onions, thinly sliced
4 cloves or more Fresh garlic, chopped LOTS AND LOTS
1/3 cup Pine nuts
¾ cup Raisins
Veggie stock or filtered water
2 T. Green Curry paste
1 T. Ginger Root, thinly sliced
Dash of Ground Cinnamon
Dash (or more) of Cayenne Pepper..
I highly recommend you start with ½ the amount of these spices, taste, then add more if you like. Remember I LOVE spicy... HOT!!
Sliced Avocado
Chopped green onions
In a preheated HOT skillet add:
Chopped garlic (stir!)
Red onions
A dash of veggie stock or filtered water
STIR.. don’t let it stick
Now turn down the heat to simmer
Add mushrooms
½ cup or so of veggie stock or filtered water
Simmer for one minute
Remove from heat
Curry paste, stir
Ginger root, stir
Cinnamon, stir
Cayenne, stir
Pour this over rice and mix well. Mixture should be nice and moist but not juicy or runny. If it is too dry, add a bit more liquid.
Place in oven for about 20 to 30 minutes (keep an eye on it)
The last 3 minutes, add the raisins and the pine nuts, mix well.
Remove when time is up.
Garnish with sliced cado and green onions
This, and some LIGHTLY steamed asparagus, is what’s for dinner tonight!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
30 Minute Fat Melt & Muscle Gain
Ok, so it’s been a full week after the Thanksgiving weekend blowout. Did you get back on track last Monday? Did consume fewer calories each day then the 4 days of gluttony? Did you return to your daily work out program? Or did you just finish off the last of the dressing, sweet tators, pumpkin, apple, buttermilk, coconut cream pies and chocolate cake from last weekends holiday feast and say.... “I’ll start back "tomorrow"....?”
Well, put down that fork and get off your duff... cuz “tomorrow” is NOW, my friend!
You are now in a month that is filled with parties, social events, office gatherings, family get-to- gathers, "all day munch-a-thon" on goodies that are brought to work and lie waiting.. calling your name.. in the “office break room." See my blog on the scariest room at your work place. Before you know it... you are gonna munch, eat, drink, pork down, and feed your way to an extra 3 to 12 lbs during this month of December!! (that can be as much as one pant or dress size, folks!)
HOLY COW!!! That is scary! Have no fear. Cuz this week I am going to give you some tips on how to survive the holidays, starting with a grueling 30 minute work out.... that if you will do it everyday, you can pretty muchly eat whatever you like. YAY!!! YOU like the sound of that, right? Ok, then let’s get started!
As always, if you have health issues, are deconditioned, have not worked out in awhile or lead a sedentary life check with your doctor before starting any exercise program
*4 to 5 times (or more) weekly. Keep in mind the more you do this work out... the faster results!! *GOAL: shoot for NO REST, if you must take a break... 10 SECONDS only. You've only got 30 minutes... get the most from it!
*designed to build muscle and burn fat together for the full 30 minutes, thus no need to do a separate weight and cardio program
*takes the place for HOURS of exercises!
*there are (3) separate circuits, 10 minutes each 30 MINUTES TOTAL
*You will succeed ONLY if you follow the directions.... DONT CHEAT.... DO the WHOLE 30 minutes 4 to 5 times (or more) weekly
*You will need two 3 lb hand weights, two 5 lb hand weights and two 8 lb hand weights, jump rope and one floor mat
*It would be helpful if you had a watch with a second hand for timing
-push ups 1:00
-squats (legs together or apart) w/ shoulder presses 1:00 (use 3 or 5 lb weights)
-push ups 1:00
-squats with shoulder presses 1:00
-jump jacks 1:00
-jump rope 1:00
-jump jacks 1:00
-jump rope 1:00
-basic crunches 1:00
-reverse crunches 1:00


-Bent over two arm Dumbbell Rows (palms facing, pinch that scapula together tight) use 8 lb weights 1:00

-Bent over two arm Dumbbell Rows (palms facing) use 8 lb weights 1:00
-Static Lunge with bicep curls (alternate legs) 1:00 (Use 5 or 8 lb weights)
-Butt Kicks (run in place, kick your butt) 1:00

-On the mat....knees bent, arms behind head and come up and crunch across the body.... arm pit aims for knee 1:00
-Do other side 1:00
-Reverse crunches 1:00

-Lie flat on mat.... chest flyes. slight bend in elbows. Hands & arms over the chest 1:00 (use 5 or 8 lbs weights)
-Stand up, wide stance on floor, upright row (weights come up to eye level) with slight side lunge 1:00 (use 3 or 5 lb weights)
-Lie flat on mat.... chest flyes. slight bend in elbow and hands arms over the chest 1:00 (use 5 or 8 lbs weights)
-Stand up, wide stance on floor, upright row (weights come up to eye level) with slight side lunge 1:00 (use 3 or 5 lb weights)
-Jump jacks 1:00
-Butt kicks 1:00
-Slight squat with punches 1:00
-Jump rope 1:00
-Bicycle crunches 1:00
-Oblique twists 1:00
Did ya do it? Ok, hit the shower and go for it again tomorrow!
Until Next Time.....
Friday, December 4, 2009
KAMU TV Pledge Night with Us Vegans and Vegetarians

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Texas Furniture Makers Show
This is a working ferris wheel. All the little baskets and all the little people are carved and molded into shape
Just look at this gorgeous pottery. You would not think they were made from wood.
I was in such "awe" and admiration of these talented woodworkers. Until I married the Hubby Bear.... almost 27 years ago.... I never took the time to appreciate the true depth and meaning of custom woodworking. Each piece has its own story. Each piece was a moment's idea in the artist mind... and thru much design and hard work.. came to fruition.