I so humbly ask your help in this effort.
TODAY.. Thursday.... the 22nd of October, I will be a guest at the station on All Things Considered (ATC) from 4 to 6pmCDST. This is “Make a Pledge and Honor Your Pet” day. You can pledge in honor of your current pet, your pet that has passed on, your future pet, or friends and family pets. We’ll mention your pet’s name on the air.
I will also promote the Vision Voice Veg*n’z for the Brazos Valley’s holiday event, “Bless the Beasts and the Children,” on December the 12th in the Village Foods parking lot, benefiting all local organizations. They are: Scotty’s House, The Great Pyrenees Rescue Society, IMPACT Rescue Society, God’s Little Creatures and Brazos Feral Cat Allies.
KAMU FM made the pledge process so easy.... you have 4 ways to pledge your honor to your pets:
1. On Thursday the 22nd of October, call in between 4pm and 6pm CDST during ATC. 979.845.5689
2. Go online and make your pledge http://www.kamu.tamu.edu/
3. Fax your pledge in to KAMU FM 979.845.1643
4. Call in your pledge during regular hours 979.845.5611
You can pledge ALL DAY TODAY, either call, fax, or go on line. Please mention Slyck Pecena, Thursday for All Things Considered, so the pledge goes to that time period.
And for those of you that are stuck at a desk & have no radio or those of you that live outta the BCS area... you CAN listen on-line! Just click on the HD-1 Original Format. Click here for on-line listening.
This is a unique way of showing everyone how much you love your pets and support KAMU FM at the same time!!
Won’t you take time to make a pledge?
Until Next Time.......
I didn't know "Bless the Beast and the Children" was benefitting the Brazos Feral Cat Allies!! I will always have a soft spot in my heart for them...that's where I got my kitty Sophie from!
ReplyDeleteSo, who do the pledges go toward? KAMU?
YES!!! i was waiting to announce the BFCA until I got confirmation that they wanted to be involved. just this morning.. i got an email from them saying they would be honored to be a part of our event! YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteSo.. kiddo.. now YOU have a vested interest in helping with this fabulous Bless the Beasts and the Children event, huh? :-) I am just getting so excited over it!!! Everything is coming together...except the printing services... still trying to get that worked out. We MUST have flyers made.. and that will be a big expense!
Yes, this pledge drive is for KAMUFM and the money goes to the station. I am happy to have this opportunity to promote OUR event for december!!